Saturday, May 12, 2007

Mother's Day

Needless to say Mother's Day has arrived. Talked to my son yesterday, who is laid up with a broken ankle. Seems he missed the last step while moving into his newly acquired home and really did some bad damage to the ankle. It hurts to even think about it.
Anyway I have read all the different blogs about what to do on this great day. No, I am not cooking as I deserve a treat. The local restaurants and casinos will all have great menus to entice me. So I will have a great choice whether to go with buffets or be waited upon which I do like the latter best. We have one particular place that serves excellent catfish like I have never had elsewhere. It is here in Ocean Springs so I may head that way. Or go to a casino for their buffet with Alaskan king crab. Oh such a decision. They do have excellent desserts, tho.
I do wish, however, that my son and family were here to go with me but that's life. I am not one to back off from going it alone. Sobeit.
A Happy Mother's Day to all those who celebrate.

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