Wednesday, October 17, 2007


Now that "fall" is here(in name only) there are two vegetables that come to mind. Pumpkin and potatoes. I found a great recipe for "pumpin muffins" at SIMPLY RECIPES. I like all the spices that go along with this, so it should be a good one. As far as potatoes, one thing I love to make is potato soup but for now it is rather warm for that. But there are lots of other recipes for these goodies at HEALTHY POTATO. I know we can get some quickie potato meals out of a box but I like doing things from scratch. Sometimes when I go out to eat and have a good meal, I wish I had the recipe to make for myself. Well I found a few clone recipes at RECIPE SECRETS that are like the read deal. These are free recipes, nada. Get your recipes ready for fall and when it comes you will be ready.

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