Here is a pic I thought you might enjoy called Super Cook at the Michael Powell site. Just another hot one here. No rain yet but we had a gulley-washer yesterday and my weeds are growing like crazy.
I found some great recipes today on AOL using Hershey chocolate. Some people are out of sorts with them moving to Mexico but I feel big business needs to keep making money. That is a given. Anyway the CHOCOLATE recipes are worth looking at.
Here is another place for recipe sharing called MY RECIPES. You can save recipes there for future use or even start your own stash. I picked off a Blueberry-lemon muffin recipe to make this week. Earlier I stashed a few pounds of blueberries in my freezer for later use. I added a few more food blogs to my list that I found interesting. Yes there are recipes there to pick. I like to go thru the list now and then to see what is new and possibly make. I did win an auction today for seafood forks. Weird huh, well at the buffets that have beautiful, big, juicy crab legs that need that tiny fork to get at the crab meat. So now I got them for the next crab fest.